Set up auto reply

From the Settings menu, select Personal Settings.

Go to the Auto Reply tab, select Enable Auto Reply, and then complete the following:

  • Reply From — Select Default or Custom, and enter the email address you want to display in the field.

  • Reply Subject — Select Default or Custom, and enter the subject of your auto-reply message.

  • Start Time — Select Start Now or Start On, and then select the time you'll be away.

  • End Time — Select No End Time or End On, and then select the time you will be returning.

  • Reply Frequency — Select Once per email message to send an auto response to every email you receive, or select Once per email address to send only one auto response to each email address, regardless of how many emails they send you.

  • General Reply Message — Enter the content for your auto-reply message.

(Optional) Click Add a customized auto reply for specific recipients to customize an alternative message. Complete the following fields:

  • From these senders only — Enter up to 20 contacts to send the custom auto-reply message to. To send an auto-reply to anyone who emails from a particular domain name, enter only the domain name and extension (for example, Separate multiple email addresses and domain names with commas.

  • Custom subject — Choose between Default or Custom.

  • Auto reply message — Enter the content for your alternate auto-reply message.

Click OK.